[fosscomm] Second poddery.com crowd funding launched
Pirate Praveen
2016-07-13 03:23:29 UTC

We raised enough money to keep poddery.com running for 3 years when we
ran our first crowd funding campaign. We are crowd funding again to keep
poddery.com running for at least another 2 years. Support and spread the

Community owned communication infrastructure is important for our privacy, and independence from corporate reliance. We should support efforts like this and even create more public platforms like poddery.com, diasp.in, disroot.org, autistici.org, openmailbox.org and riseup.net.


A poddery.com account now is also an xmpp account with all modules
required for good mobile support (does not drain battery, keeps you
online across disconnections, you won't miss messages in conferences
after you reconnect) activated. You can also access these services via
https port if your network locks normal xmpp traffic (in many offices
and campuses).

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.